Mayor Charles A. Bird


Mayor Bird


Mayor Bird

Mayor Bird is now serving his second term as mayor of this city.  He was elected the first mayor of the city under the new constitution, and had served one term as Councilman and one term as president of Council previously.  Elsewhere in this volume is some account of his administration of city affairs since he came into office.  This excellent showing made of the various public trusts in his care, and his personal popularity, made him one of the most popular men in the city. He is proud of the city and probably devotes more time to its service, to keep up with the march of improvement and the welfare of the city, than he ought to.  But then he is proud of Dayton, and there is nothing too good for Dayton in his opinion.  Mayor Bird, being the first mayor under the new State constitution, was the first in that office to preside over the council in its meetings, and to relinquish the mayor's court, or police court, the latter being given over to a judge, elected especially for the duty. 



The GAR (a short history of the organization is at this site) held it's annual encampment in Dayton in September,1898.  All of the Dayton images and texts dated 1898 are from the souvenir booklet prepared for the occasion.