William M. Donaldson
One of the older prominent residents of Dayton is William M. Donaldson, the well known lithographer of Cincinnati, whose work goes all over the land, and to foreign countries besides. The Donaldson residence is at the corner of Sixth and Terrace avenues. Mr. Donaldson has always been prominent in local affairs and his party, which has often honored him. He has been in council as member and as president, and has been named for higher places. Mr. Donaldson is chairman of the finance committee of the G.A.R. entertainment committee, and, as usual, has been active and zealous in the work.
The GAR (a short history of the organization is at this site) held it's annual encampment in Dayton in September,1898. All of the Dayton images and texts dated 1898 are from the souvenir booklet prepared for the occasion.