Dr. W. D. Richards


Dr. W. D. Richards was born in Wheeling, W. Va., and attended the public schools and Morgantown Military Academy until eighteen.  He graduated in medicine at Cincinnati in 1879.  In 1888 he came to Dayton, taking a place among leading practitioners.  In 1872 Dr. Richards married Miss Rena B. Legg of Zanesville, O., and five children were born to them.  In 1890, his wife having died nine years before, he married Miss Alice A. Heskitt of Barnsville, O.  Dr. Richards has served several terms as health officer of the city, always acceptably. [Dr. Richards' home and office were both at 628 Sixth Avenue.  His office hours were 8 am to 9 am; 1pm to 3 pm; and 7pm to 8pm.]   


The GAR (a short history of the organization is at this site) held it's annual encampment in Dayton in September,1898.  All of the Dayton images and texts dated 1898 are from the souvenir booklet prepared for the occasion.