A. F. Goetze, Druggist


A. F. Goetze was born in Cincinnati, Oct. 21, 1858, and there he received his schooling.  In 18767, he came with his brother to Dayton and opened a drug store.  He is now the oldest merchant in the city.  The first store of the Goetz brothers was in the frame building corner of Sixth and Berry avenues; afterward they were in Odd Fellows building, and finally they built in their present location.  At the outset, the Goetzes got along only by the exercise of rare pluck and perseverance, as well as good business qualities; but there store now has a fine trade.  During their business career they have bought out no less than five drug stores. Everybody in Dayton knows Goetze's.  A. F. Goetze married in 1874, and one child has come to cheer the household.  The patriarch A. Goetze, so long city treasurer of Dayton, is father to the brothers.  This veteran, though no longer seen on the streets as frequently as of old, still cares for the treasury with his habitual scrupulous exactness, and all who know him know that faults are impossible while he stands in charge.  Like the clerk's office under Hayward, the treasurer's office under Goetze has been put beyond cavil or question.  Popular appreciation of this fact is shown whenever an election comes on.


The GAR (a short history of the organization is at this site) held it's annual encampment in Dayton in September,1898.  All of the Dayton images and texts dated 1898 are from the souvenir booklet prepared for the occasion.