Mrs. Theo. Horst
Everybody in Dayton knows Mrs. Horst and her handsome and well-supplied store on Sixth avenue, near Barry avenue. A place of great convenience it is to the people of Dayton, for what is not to be found at Mrs. Horst's store, in the way of staple dry goods, notions, furnishings, etc., is not easy to find anywhere. Mrs. Horst has long been established at this stand, and her custom comes from all parts of the city. Many a nickel, dime, or quarter is saved to those who buy here, to say nothing of the time wasted crossing the river.
The GAR (a short history of the organization is at this site) held it's annual encampment in Dayton in September,1898. All of the Dayton images and texts dated 1898 are from the souvenir booklet prepared for the occasion.