Joseph Junk, Jr.
Pioneers in the show business in Dayton are the Junks, whose handsome store is shown on this page. The elder Mr. Junk shod the Dayton folks before the time of machinery made footwear. Several years ago, the present elegant store was fitted up on designs original with Mr. Joseph Junk, Jr. It was a surprise to trades people in all lines, and was complimented in the shoe trade journals throughout the country. At that time, there was nothing to equal it in the show business on either side of the river, and in still stands in the front ranks.
Joseph Junk, Jr., is in charge of the art department of the Donaldson Lithographing Company and ranks high in his class. He has studied abroad as well as at home, and has produced some of the best things in lithographic work to be seen anywhere. The handsome lithograph sheet, "Our Country," the Dewey sheet, "Remember the Maine," and others issued during the Spanish war are designs from the facile pen of Joseph Junk, Jr. They are easily the best of their class of all the later issues, and have had a great sale throughout the country. Mr. Junk is not only a good artist but a fertile one.
The GAR (a short history of the organization is at this site) held it's annual encampment in Dayton in September,1898. All of the Dayton images and texts dated 1898 are from the souvenir booklet prepared for the occasion.