Charles Kuhlman

Charles Kuhlman was born in the Kingdom of Hanover in 1828.  He schooling was in the old country.  In 1846 he came to America, landing at Baltimore, and making the trip over the Alleghenies before the days of railroads, reaching Cincinnati by May.  Some years were spent in the hotel business, two of them in New Orleans and St. Louis.  Mr. Kuhlman came to Dayton in 1859, and for seventeen years was a grocer.  Nineteen years ago he built the house shown here, and has occupied it since.  In 1853 he maried Katherine Houser, by whom he had ten children.  The wife died six years ago.  Mr. Kuhlman had been prominent in public affairs.  He made the first street improvement in Dayton and was nearly mobbed for it.  He has served three terms in council, and has been interested in public affairs without seeking office.  Everywhere, his word was always as good as his bond.   


The GAR (a short history of the organization is at this site) held it's annual encampment in Dayton in September,1898.  All of the Dayton images and texts dated 1898 are from the souvenir booklet prepared for the occasion.