Starts Crusade Against Vice

Rev. R. B. Nelson Preached Sensational Sermon on Gambling


Knights of Pythias Lodge Calls on city and County Officials to Enforce Laws


 Rev. Robert B. Nelson, rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Newport, delivered a sensational sermon yesterday on “Gambling and the Moral Condition of Campbell County.”  The sermon was based on Rev. Nelson’s personal investigation of the conditions of Newport.  He said:  “When the business men of the city are publicly accused of desiring the importation of the gambling element, whose profession is robbery, and the public officials are publicly accused of being in sympathy, the public morals are, to say the last, threatened with falling into destruction and disgrace. Whoever, in a position of public or private authority, permits his eyes to be blinded to his own and public moral welfare, is a slave of him from whom he receives so much trash as can be grasped as dust, as Brutus said, and holds himself up to the eternal contempt of every honest citizen.”  Rev. Nelson is backed up in his crusade against gambling in Newport by Eureka Lodge No. 7, K.of P.  Saturday night, the Lodge passed these resolutions:  “Whereas the moral welfare of the city of Newport at this time, in the opinion of Eureka Lodge No. 7, Knights of Pythias, needs the most diligent and fearless enforcement of the laws about gambling; be it  “Resolved, That this lodge most earnestly and respectfully requests the Mayor and Chief of Police of our city, the Sheriff of our county, and other proper officers to enforce the laws concerning gambling.  “That this resolution be spread on the minutes of the lodge and a copy of same be sent to each of the above named offices.  “That the members of this lodge declare themselves in favor of the strict enforcement of the laws prohibiting lawlessness in our city ad call upon all good citizens to stand with them in their efforts.”   


From the Kentucky Post, January 29, 1906