Knight & McGinniss
Knight & McGinniss,
Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Corner Fourth and Monmouth Streets
A prominent and popular establishment in this line of trade in this city is that here mentioned. The gentlemen comprising the firm are Mr. Cephas Knight, a native of England, and Mr. George McGinniss, born in this city. They formed a copartnership under the present firm style in 1885, and have since devised extensive connections, such as are not often accorded to other established houses in the same line. The business premises occupied comprise a spacious store and basement 65 x 50 feet in dimensions, containing a full and complete assortment of choice staple and fancy groceries, suitable to the general wants of the community. They handle only the choicest of everything in their line, and patrons can always have the complete satisfaction of knowing that nothing inferior of adulterated will ever be sold to them. Lowest prices prevail; order, system, neatness and cleanliness are observable on all sides,; polite attendance is accorded, while orders are taken and delivered at residences free of extra charge. In short, it might be added that no effort on the part of these gentlemen is spared to please and satisfy each and every one of their numerous patrons.
From a news clipping dated 1891.