Pond Creek


A postoffice located in the northern part of Campbell county, 3 1/2 miles from Alexandria, the county seat, and the same distance from Canton [Kenton?] Station, on the K.C.R.R., its nearest shipping point by rail. It contains a grist and saw mill, 2 churches, Methodist and Baptist, and a public school. Grain is its principal product. Weekly mail. Population 50. Wm. T. Clary, postmaster.

Business Directory

Brown, John, hotel.
Clary, Wm.T., General Store.
Egner, Michael, miller.
Fleivel, F., blacksmith.
Lockner, F., stonemason.
Miller, shoemaker.
Peffer, W., teacher.
Prickett, G.W., teacher.
Prickett, S., wagonmaker.
Prickler, Nicholas, carpenter.
Raider, John, Cooper.
Rush, George, basketmaker.
Storm, John, cooper.


This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville. Items in bold were bolded in the original