Full Particulars


Carrollton, Ky., 3 P.M., Sunday, January 14, 1877.  The Ohio River commenced moving at 6 a.m. and about half an hour afterward the Kentucky River commenced to rise, and rose eight feet in two hours.  That caused five barges which were lying just above the Bannock City to break loose, and they came with such force against her that it caused her to break loose, all going out into the Ohio at once.  The Ohio then stopped, and the current being so very strong it crowded the Bannock City clear out on the Ohio ice, and mashed three of the barges to splinters.  The Ohio again started, and that caused the Kentucky to fall rapidly, leaving the J. C. Abbott (Madison ferry boat) and Shirley high and dry.  The river fell six feet in ten minutes.  The watchman of Bannock City went out to her while she was in the gorge and secured all the books, bedding, furniture, etc, in fact, every thing that could be carried ashore.  Her hold was full of water up the hatches, She, however, being on the ice, was prevented from sinking.  When the gorge broke the second time it broke the ice from under her, and she now lies on the bottom of the Ohio River at Dr. Hampton's Landing, Hunter's Bottom. 

Captain Higbee is here with his steamer, the Harry Higbee and twenty flats.  He had five large lines broken and and one of his flats was sunk by the ice.  He estimates his loss at $100.  The Abbott sustained no serious damage, and was easily put into the river.  As the river commenced falling, everyone's attention turned to the Shirley, as they had found that they could do nothing for the Bannock City, and there were about 300 men and boys trying to shove her off, but it was all to no purpose, it had to be given up.  At 10 p.m. the Kentucky River commenced to rise and she floated off, and now lies all OK.  The Kentucky River is now twenty feet higher than it was yesterday morning.  At the present writing the gorge in the Ohio at Cony's Bar has broken, and the tide is passing town fast and thick.  All is quiet now, and no danger is apprehended.  Yours truly, Jas. F. Drowniski


from the Cincinnati Enquirer, January 16, 1877