Carroll County Auto Registrations

Date Owner City Auto Horse-power  Tax
9/23/1910 Kipping, Oscar G. Carrollton Rapid 18  $ 5
6/24/1910 Wood, E. A. Carrollton Woodland 42  $ 5
4/16/1912 Fentrress, Ida B Carrollton Ames 30 10
6/21/1911 Schuerman Carrollton Marmon 32 10
9/19/1911 Shirley, A. W. Sanders Overland 25 10



This is a list of all the automobiles registered with the State of Kentucky from June 14, 1910 until roughly the same day in 1911.  It's the first year Kentucky registered automobiles; so these may not be THE first cars in the county, but they are the first registered cars.