Butler State Park


Butler Memorial State Park at Carrollton, Kentucky is now the only state park in Northern Kentucky is being located near Carrollton at the junction of the Kentucky and Ohio Rivers. The park was named for General Orlando Butler, the owner of the homestead which has now been converted into a museum.

The tomb of General Orlando Butler, the distinguished Kentuckian, is in the little cemetery near the mansion.  Here in this cemetery are sixteen graves with headstones dating back to 133 years ago.  The Butlers and their families – Major Thomas L., Major General Wm. O., General Percival, Edward, and Richard P., all of these – are spoken of in the history of the Revolutionary War, Mexican War and the Civil War.  The inscriptions on the markers are of valuable note, establishing proof of the historic facts of our Butler Memorial State Park. 

From October 23, 1933 to December 31, 1934, this park was being developed by the National Park Service.  It has a splendid C. C. C. Camp stationed in the park with 200 enrollees under supervision of the army with a captain and a lieutenant in charge.  The Government furnishes food, shelter, clothing and recreation for the boys.

The following projects have been completed: Building and construction of a thirty acre lake, custodian’s lodge, two shelter houses, parking spaces, picnic areas, sewerage and water systems throughout the park, and latrines which meet the approval of the State Board of Health.

Thirty thousand native trees have been planted and shrubbery transplanted everywhere needed.  A service building, and many miles of trails through the park have been built. 

The projects now under construction to be completed by the first of April, 1935, are: A lookout tower, picnic area on the hill, a road leading from the lake to the lookout tower, one large shelter house near the lake, a group of cabins and landscaping where needed.  The entire park has been fenced.  A beautiful stone wall has been built around the Butler home and cemetery.  A beautiful entrance on the lake-side is being constructed.  Several thousand more native trees and shrubs are to be planted throughout the park. 

Technician’s Report 

This area is less rugged and wild than any of the state parks.  The greater part of the timber has been removed prior to the installation of the park service work.  However in the heavily weeded fields, there are found many quail and ring-necked pheasants.  This is the only State park unto which the ring-necked or Hungarian pheasant has been introduced. They are increasing in numbers, and in a few years, if protected, should be abundant. 

The principal trees are the oak, birch, elm, sycamore, the dogwood and red bud.  In the spring and summer on the hill slopes the wild flowers are plentiful. The lake is to be stocked with bass and the woods bordering the lake abound with quail.


From the Kentucky State Parks Annual, 1935.