The Worthville Baptist Church

In the summer of 1882 the Concord Association, which included all Baptist churches in Owen, Henry, and Carroll counties, sent their missionary minister, Rev. Thomas. A. Spicer, here to conduct a revival, which was held in the small schoolhouse on the hillside just above the present church building.

 This revival resulted in conversions and church membership by letter of between 35 and 40 new members.  Rev. Spicer organized a Sunday school, and came once a month to preach, all services being held in the school building until July, 1883, when the Baptist membership of Worthville and vicinity made a call for delegates, ministers and laymen from nine adjacent churches to come and assist in organizing a church body.

 They assembled on the last Tuesday in July, 1883 [the 31st], in a fine shady grove, not far distant from the present church, where they organized an advisory council by electing Thomas Jenkins, of the Baptist church of New Liberty, moderator.  Mr. Jenkins was moderator of Concord Association before it was changed to county associations, and John Hogan, of the Carrollton Baptist church, was clerk.

 The church presented a church covenant and Articles of Faith, with the Bible as their guide to a Christian life, which was approved and adopted by the council, and the new church was duly organized and admitted to the great family of Baptist churches.

 After this the church proceeded to the election of officers and pastor; Willis Ewing, moderator; Geo. W. Scott, church clerk; Leonard Leachman and John Langstaff, trustees, and Rev. Thomas A. Spicer, pastor. 

 The church lot was graciously given to the membership by one of our early and highly esteemed citizens, Samuel Malin.

 There were present for this auspicious occasion eight ministers: Revs. B. F. Hungerford, of New Liberty; L. S. Chiltton, of Turners; G. W. and J. B. Wheatley, of Dallasburg church; J. M. Fowler of Louisville; J. B. Jones and T. A. Spicer and Mr. Pettit of Owen county, with an audience of 600 persons.

 The spirit and fellowship were happy and delightful.  The dinner was the finest and most abundant ever spread in this community.  Harmony and good will prevailed and the new church started out with bright prospects.

 The members began erection of a church building in 1884, which was completed by June, 1885, when it was dedicated.  Rev. T. T. Eaton, pastor of the Walnut street Baptist church, Louisville, delivered the dedicatory sermon to another large assembly.

 The church has had many noble, consecrated Christian pastors, including our present minister, Rev. Grover C. Stillwagon, as their shepherd and leader.  For the past 20 or 25 years the church has been supplied with pastors from the Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, so there are 14 ex-pastors scattered abroad in the land who served the church in a most worthy way.  We might also say that included in the early life of the church and for many years afterwards, were families of Willis Ewing, Geo. W. Scott, Leonard Leachman, John Langstaff, Dr. W. S. Golden, D. Golden, Lewis, Hunt, Kemper, Craigmyle, Webster and Stout.  As far as we have been able to learn, out of the charter members only one is living - Mrs. Millie Ewing Lewis. 

In 1935 we have five charter members living: Geo. W. Scott, Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Golden, Mrs. Martha Ewing Roselle, and Mrs. Otis Bates, but they have joined the many gone on before to the eternal life.


By Mrs. Cora Gentry Smith, from an undated copy in the files of the Carroll County Library in Carrollton.