Jesse Bagged
We learn that George Jesse and about one hundred and fifty of his men were bagged, by the Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry, under Col. A. W. Holeman, in Carroll county, not far from Ghent. It appears that Jesse, being informed that the Eleventh was after him, went into camp and set an ambuscade to surprise them. But Col. Holeman was too sharp and quick to be thus caught. Detaching one hundred men, he sent them to approach Jesse in front, while the balance of the regiment made a detour and got into the rear of the guerillas, and when the detachment in front charged, Jesse and his guerillas made a break and ran into the force in the rear. Seeing that they were caught, they at once surrendered. Thus is speedily wiped out, by the gallant Eleventh, a gang of guerillas which have defied the State and National forces for more than two months, robbing, stealing and going where and when they pleased. Now let Col. Holeman exterminate “Black Dave Martin’s band of thieves and marauders, and the Union people of Henry and Shelby will bless him and his regiment.
From the Frankfort Commonwealth, September 12, 1864.