Our attempt to read the handwriting . . .
Note: The out lots parallel with the inlot up the Kentucky are 466 feet 11 inches by 466 feet 5 ½ inches; in poles 117 with the streets between the inlots are 66 feet wide and the allies, 16 ½ feet. Those between the outlots are only 33 feet wide. The inlots in the arrangement from A to B contain 5/? of an acre, and all the rest (except some on the Ohio bank) are half acre lots, 208 feet, 8 ½ inches by 104 feet, 11 [4] ¼ inches. The out lots, except those in C, D, E, F are 5 acres, and the whole as the plan represents. Rich’d Fox.
The whole town, both streets, lanes, &c. includes 613 acres. The middle square blocked with a [illeg] is four acres laid out for a public ground. The course of the street at right angles with the Kentucky River is at N 85 ˚ E, and up the Kentucky S 10 ˚ E. [Long illegible section] in my office, P. Butler, [illeg].