
A station of the Louisville, Cincinnati & Lexington R.R., better known as Liberty Station. It is about one fourth mile from Eagle creek, in the southwest corner of Carroll county. Carrolton, the county seat, is 18 miles distant, and Louisville 62 miles. It was first settled in 1869, incorporated in 1871, and has a population of 150. It contains a grist mill, run by water power, baptist church, and common school. Tobacco, hogs, and corn are its principal shipments. Stage to Ghent and New Liberty. Express, Adams. Daily mail. J.T. Ralston, postmaster.

Business Directory

Allen, Rev. H.B. (baptist)
Bradley, A.B., flouring mill.
Brown, N.C., physician.
Davis, W.I. blacksmith.
Ellis, J.S., police magistrate.
Gatewood, James L., Druggist and Examiner in Circuit Court.
Holliday, Owen P. tinsmith.
Knox & Rodgers, gunsmiths.
Liberty Springs Hotel, S. Whitaker, Proprietor.
McCann, Wm. L., druggist.
McDonald, James R., general store.
Montfort, Warren, attorney.
Patterson, John B., shoemaker.
Pearson, J.H., civil engineer.
Ralston, J.T., general store.
Ralston, W., carpenter.
Rodgers, B., general store.
Sanders, Larkin F., lawyer.
Shotwell, D.M. & Son, meat market.
Sullivan, Woodson J. & Co., marshal and blacksmith.
Whitaker, Shuck, Propr. Liberty Springs Hotel.
Williams, James W., wagonmaker and blacksmith.
Williams, Orville, station and express ag't.
Williams, Wm. B., general store.


This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville. Items in bold were bolded in the original