
The county seat of Carroll county was formally known as Port William. It is beautifully situated at the confluence of the Ohio and Kentucky rivers, in the northern part of the county, 62 miles from Louisville. Carrollton Station, on the Louisville, Cincinnati & Lexington R.R., is 4 1/2 miles distant, and Worthville, its shipping point by rail, 9 miles. It was first settled about 1795, and has now a population of 1800. The town is lighted with gas, has finely laid out streets and boasts some very fine buildings, among which we may mention the M.E. Church, South, a very handsome and costly brick edifice, erected in 1870; the Baptist, Presbyterian, Christian and Catholic churches, St. John's Academy and others. In educational institution Carrollton has the Carroll Seminary, with accommodation for 200 students, and St. John Academy (Catholic), with accommodation for 150 students. Considering its size, Carrollton may well be proud of her manufacturing establishments, the principal one being the Carrollton Woolen Mills, owned by John Howe & Sons; this mammoth establishment covers over two acres of floor space, and is built for five sets of machinery, with a capacity of turning out 700,000 yards of cloth and 50,000 pounds of yarn per annum. In addition to this, there are two saw and planing mills, two grist and one flouring mill, and another woolen mill. There are good banking facilities here, and the town has a Building and Loan Association. As a shipping place it can not be surpassed, and it offers inducements to manufacturers to locate here by the donations of lots. The principal productions of the neighborhood are tobacco, corn, cattle, hogs and country produce. There is a line of stages from here to Worthville twice a day. Daily mail. John T. Lewis, postmaster.

Business Directory

Abbott, Enoch, plasterer.
Anderson, George W., jr., confectioneries, cigars and tobacco.
Anderson, George W., sr., grocer.
Arnold, Woodford, P. coal dealer.
Balser, Paul, barber.
Beal, John P., Wagonmaker and Gunsmith.
Berg, Christian, jeweler.
Bittel, Phillip, baker.
Blaine, Rev. W.S. (presbyterian).
Blessing, Gottfried D., meat market and beer saloon.
Bosworth & Lewis, Groceries, Provisions and Agricultural Implements.
Buchanan, Richard, saloon.
Butler, William O., jr., druggist.
Butler, Wolfe & Wilson, proprietors wadding and batting mills.
Carrollton Woolen Mills, John Howe & Sons, proprietors.
Cluthe, William, physician.
Coin, Patrick, coffee roaster.
Corbin, Rev. William, colored, (methodist episcopal).
Corn, Mrs. Mary J., dressmaker.
Corn, William, proprietor National Hotel and grocery.
Cox & Donaldson, attorneys.
Dress, Fritz, wagonmaker.
Driskell, William M., Saloon and Restaurant.
Dunagan, Allen F., blacksmith.
English, John T., principal Carroll Seminary.
Fallis, James, plasterer.
Farleigh & Baker, sash and door manufacturers.
Feller, Anthony, stonemason.
Fisher, William M., attorney and county judge.
Flynt, Martin D., saddles, harness, trunks, & c.
Foener, Theodore & Son, shoemakers.
Gardner, William, proprietor Southern Hotel and saloon.
Geier, Oscar W., news and periodical dealer.
Geier, M.A. & Co., drugs and notions.
Glauber, John, boots and shoes.
Goslee, Levin E., physician.
Grasmick, John, stonemason.
Griffin, Isaac, saddlery and harness.
Grobmeier, John H., merchant tailer.
Grobmeyer & Brother, livery and sale stable.
Gulde, Albert, dry goods and notions.
Halmess, Harmon B., blacksmith and wagonmaker.
Harrison, R.F., fire insurance agent and county court clerk.
Herzog, John, painter.
Holmes, H.A. & Co., drugs and notions.
Houghton, Matthew, prop'r Point House and saloon.
Howe, John & Sons, Bankers, Proprietors Carrollton Woolen Mills and Merchant Tailors.
Jett, John B., proprietor wharf-boat and commission merchant.
Karins, Hugh, marble works.
Keller, Jacob, stonemason.
Lewis, John T., Insurance Agent and Postmaster.
Logeman, John, blacksmith.
McCann R. & Co., grocers.
McCrackin, Charles, propr. Carroll House.
McElrath, Thomas J., lawyer.
McElrath & Geier, props. Carrollton Democrat.
Martin, Miss Nannie, milliner.
Masterson & Gaunt, lawyers.
Meade, Prentiss, physician.
Meier, George, brick manufacturer.
Meier, John, Planing Mill.
Mershon, James H., builder.
Mitchell, Thomas J., leaf tobacco.
Moorman, Bernard, saloon.
Moorman, Frank, blacksmith and wagonmaker.
O'Neal, Benjamin, surveyor.
Rodgers, Alexander, grocer.
Salyers, Charles D., stoves and tinware.
Sams, Joseph, Livery and Proprietor Carrollton & Worthville Stage Line.
Schmidt, Father Stephen (catholic).
Sebastian, Louis, barber.
Seppenfield, Herman, grocery and meat market.
Sheppard, William, blacksmith.
Siersdorfer, Michael, brewery and gristmill.
Siersdorfer, Mat. & Co., boots and shoes.
Smith, William L., General Store and Grocery.
Straub, Joachim, saloon.
Stringfellow & Kipping, Furniture Dealers, Undertakers, Contractors, and Builders.
Vardaman, Rev. A.M. (baptist).
Weber, Jacob B., restaurant.
Webster, Joshua C., groceries and hardware.
Whitehead, Green G., general store.
Wightman, Rev. J.W. (M.E., south).
Wilkins, David O., blacksmith.
Williams, Charles E., groceries.
Williams, William R., flouring mills.
Winslow, W.B. & H.M., Lawyers.
Wright, John H., publisher Carrollton Independent.


This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville.