A place of about 400 inhabitants, first settled in 1800, and incorporated as a city in 1852. It is situated on the Ohio river, in the northeast corner of Carroll county, 8 miles from Carrollton, the county seat, and 75 miles from Louisville. Liberty Station (Bramlette postoffice), 9 miles distant, is the nearest point by rail. Tobacco and country produce are its principal shipments. It contains a steam flouring mill, two churches, a college and public school. Stage to Liberty Station. Express, Adams. Daily mail. Wm. Howard, postmaster.
Business Directory
Cockerall, Fred., grocer.
Craig, A.G., physician.
Duffin & Johnson, Grocers.
Ellis, P.C., physician.
Frank & Craig, general store.
Gains, F., physician.
Howard, Samuel, physician.
Howard, Wm., General Store.
Howard, Samuel T. & G.L., druggists.
McDonald, Mrs. M., milliner.
Roberts, W., grocer.
Stacy, Fred., express agent.
Stevenson, J.H., General Store.
Tandy, J. P., general store.
Tandy, J.Q. & W.H., General Store.
Whitaker, Captain, station agent.
This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville.