Slave Escape from Prestonville
Two negro men ran away from Prestonville last week, one belonging to Mr. Holland the other to Mr. Booker. When last heard from, they were on the cars at Madison, just previous to their departure to Indianapolis. A short time since a negro left a good home in Henry county, as he thought, for a better one in Canada. He has now written for permission from his master for permission to return home.
Several of our citizens have gone in pursuit of the fugitives from Prestonville.
I am not at all surprised by the movements of the slaves, when I look at the streets of our town on Sunday. Nor am I by any means jesting when I say that the ladies are afraid to travel our streets alone, even in broad daylight. On last Sabbath I saw one of the free negroes of our village staggering through the streets under the influence of liquor. Where could he have gotten it on Sunday? We should be looking to our interests, citizens.
from the Kentucky Family Mirror, Carrollton, September 10, 1833