Racing at Carrollton
At Carrollton, Ky., has been organized the Carrollton Driving Association, which will hold its initial meeting there July 4 - one day only. The handsome purses hung out will draw good horses. For instance, the 2:30 trot is for $250, and 2:30 pace is for the same, and then there are two or three running and bicycle races, the purses aggregating $750. They have an excellent half mile track.
The Association is composed of many of the leading citizens of the vicinity; men whose characters and reputations are a guarantee that the racing will be conducted on high and honorable principles. They announce that their object is not gain, but that their purpose is to promote the trotting horse industry and furnish enjoyable sport to the people. John T. Lewis is president; Percy Corn secretary, and James F. Jett, treasurer.
The Frankfort Roundabout, June 22, 1895