The Carrollton (Ky.) Democrat Says:
Things begin to look truly business-like at R. H. Stanton & Co.'s new planing mill. The heavy machinery, which is the finest, most substantial, latest improved and most costly to be had, has been placed. The shafting and all the other gear have been arranged. The boiler and a fine sixty-five horse power engine, built by Smith, Meyers, & Schneir of Cincinnati will be placed by February 1, when it is proposed to start the planing mill, proper; but the firm will not be in condition to begin the manufacture of sash, doors and blinds until some time later. About fifteen other, smaller machines have to be added for this purpose, which will be done with the shortest possible delay. Very few places can boast similar establishment as large as this one. It is a big thing for Carrollton; an institution of which she may well be proud, being alike creditable to her enterprise and valuable for her business.
from the Daily Evening Bulletin, Maysville, KY., January 18, 1883