In a Bunch

Six convicts Go to the Penitentiary from Carrollton

The regular term of the circuit court, now is session here, has been one of unusual interest.  Six men have been convicted of felonies and sentenced to the penitentiary.  Louis Driskell goes for one year for burglarizing a store at Locust; Charles Lear gets one year for stealing clothing from his employer, R. H. Hicks at English, Ky.; Aaron and Lou Davis are sent for two years for robbing H. Immel, near Prestonville; Frank and William Joseph, two and three years respectively for stealing 1,000 pounds of fresh meat from the meathouse of J. R. Ramey, a farmer near this place.  The court will be in session a few days longer.


from Maysville's Daily Public Ledger, January 26, 1896