The Late H. T. Chambers
A Man of Broad Intellect, of Splendid Family, Whose Memory is Honored and Respected by All In tracing the history of Warsaw, as we stop and look at the bright spots in her past and bring to mind the names of the noble characters who have shared their fortunes with this, our beloved home, there is no name that lingers longer, of sounds sweeter to the lips than the honored name of H. T. Chambers. A man cherished in the memories of all, beloved by his neighbors and friends, true to a fault and honest to a cent, whose life-book, when opened to view, shows no mark but credits for good deeds. Mr. Chambers was the son of Dr. A. H. Chambers and Anna Turpin Chambers. Was born in Gallatin county in 18[53? –illeg]. The Chambers and Turpin families were old Virginia families, related to the Lees, to Thomas Jefferson, to the Crittendens, to the Brights and many other noted people. H. T. Chambers was married to Miss Sallie Bond, daughter of Robert Bond, and their home was blessed with two handsome daughters. They lived in Warsaw during their entire married life, and the widow and daughters, who still live at the old homestead, are among the first and best of Gallatin county’s worthy people. The family, both past and present, look at them as you may, view their lives as you will, you will find emblazoned in every act and every motive a purity, an uprightness, an intellectual progressiveness, and an honesty of purpose that makes all mankind their friend, that makes for them peace and goodwill, respect, and esteem from every quarter. Thus it is that the Independent, with a feeling of undisguised pride, gives a reference to the Chambers family in this [illig] historical sketch of old Gallatin, as one of the best and grandest of her honored families, past or present.
from the Warsaw Independent, January 22, 1898