Lindell Hotel
Charles R. Wood, Proprietor
As a center of travel Warsaw commands a position that essentially calls for hotel accommodations of good capacity and able management. In this regard our city will be found capable of maintaining a reputation equal to any place of its size in the land, in the possession of a hotel that is first-class in all its appointments and is managed in a manner that is entirely satisfactory to its numerous patrons. In support of this assertion it is only necessary to refer to the Lindell Hotel. Travelling men find at this hotel the best accommodations, the most polite attendance and a table which is unsurpassed, being supplied with the best viands that the market affords. It has a corps of the most experienced cooks as well as polite and attentive waiters. Every department of the house is in c0mplete repair, handsomely furnished, neat, clean and inviting. The proprietor, Mr. Wood, is a veteran hotel man, well liked by the traveling public and the peop0le generally.
from the Warsaw Independent, January 22,