Mrs. William Taaff

Funeral Director; Joseph Nesbit, Embalmer

Away back in 1851 the late William Taaffe came to our town and engaged in carriage making, which he followed until 1863, when he engaged in the undertaking business, which occupation he followed for more than thirty years, until his death, two years ago.  He was an honorable, progressive man, a skillful, able undertaker, and at his death left one of the most complete funeral director’s outfits.  He had, also, during his life careful instructed young Joseph Nesbit in the details of the work.  Thus his widow, who is an intelligent shrewd business lady, employed Mr. Nesbit to conduct her business.  He is a graduate of Prof. Clark’s School of Embalming and with his practical experience is one of the best qualified funeral directors in the country.  He is intelligent and reserved in his work, polite and attentive to all, extremely respectful to the friends of the deceased into whose family he is called, always certain to have everything attended to in a proper manner. Is prompt in answering all calls, while Mrs. Taaffee is always most reasonable in her charges and fair in her treatment of all.   She is a lady well known to the best people of this community, fully realizing by sad experience the horror of death in one’s own household.  She is a lady of great energy, deserving of the patronage and good will of her old friends and the public generally.  


from the Warsaw Independent, January 22, 1898