1907 Flood in Warsaw


The water began receding at Cincinnati Monday afternoon and at Warsaw Tuesday afternoon.  The immense body of water in all of the rivers below is holding up the stage of water and the fall will be slow.  The water got over every road leading to Warsaw except the one reaching to Glencoe.  Above and below town all travel was suspended and the backwater near Robert Levell's residence on the Sparta turnpike had to be ferried in the transportation of the mail and passengers.

At Warsaw, the destruction was not so very heavy but the distress that fell on the poor people who inhabited the inundated quarter as the most burdensome of the weight.  The household effects in W. B. Mason's Eagle Hotel were moved out on a barge Sunday, the general impression being that the house, a two story frame structure, had moved from the foundation, and a heavy wind blowing, it was feared the building was floating away.  All of the inundated property was hardly damaged by the wind and waves.  Jacob Gardt's saloon, S. B. Grubb's coal office, Harry Clore's grocery store, Ed Skirvin's restaurant were all flooded and damaged.  The water was almost up the Lindell Hotel and filled Locust street.

The water will be within the banks by next Monday and no further damage is anticipated.  It demonstrates that property under the hill in the inundated district is not much of an asset.  The flood stricken people were temporarily accommodated at different places, some occupying the court house, blacksmith shops, barns, etc. there being scarcely any vacant houses.  The worst is over and the conditions are rapidly mending.  Those who have had their homes under the water should see that their houses are thoroughly dried before moving into them to prevent serious sickness in the family, and perhaps pneumonia.


from the Warsaw Independent, January 26, 1907