Court House Remodeled, 1909

The above is a good photograph of the Court House since it has been painted by contractor Clarence McDanell.  The body of the building is painted a dark stone color with white trimmings and presents a neat appearance.  The interior is being newly papered and painted and when finished will be a credit to Gallatin county and her retiring County Judge Wm. R. Payne.  Janitor Morris takes pride in keeping the lawn looking spick and span, and since the removal of the unsightly iron fence, the court yard, with its clean concrete walks, presents an altogether different appearance from that of a few months ago.  Warsaw and Gallatin county should now feel proud of the Court House and Jail.  They are both a credit to any community and their neat appearance shows what a little energy and money will do towards beautifying our town, which is rapidly gaining the reputation of being the best town of its size in the state.


from the Warsaw Leader, December 1, 1909.