Forty years later...

Thursday, Frank B. Kirby of Carrollton, accompanied by Attorney James B. Duncan, of that city, came here to secure additional evidence in the claim of his father, John W. Kirby, deceased, against the federal government for $1,200 for false arrest in 1866.

This was during the war of the rebellion when bitter feeling was engendered between the North and South.  At that time Mr. Kirby was sheriff of Gallatin County.  Dr. C. L. Ferris was provost marshal of the federal forces here.  John T. Morrow, who was in the confederate army became detached from his company and came to Gallatin County, near Carson.  Ferris, hearing of the fact took a detachment of soldiers, went to where Morrow was and shot him to death.  John Baker, a farmer, living near where Morrow was killed, was accused of feeding the confederate, and he too was killed. 

The grand jury indicted Ferris for murder and the circuit court judge gave Sheriff Kirby a warrant for the arrest of Ferris.  In the meantime he had left, but it was learned he was coming up the river with the U.S. Mails.  Sheriff Kirby stopped the boat here to get his man, and for this the sheriff was arrested and thrown in prison for interfering with the mails, but after two trials was acquitted.  Hence the damages.

It is stated that the claim is legitimate, and will be paid when further proof is secured.


from the Warsaw Independent, June 22, 1907