Gallatin Newspapers
The oldest local paper known is dated June 10, 1835, and was called the Warsaw Patriot[1]. The name of the publisher is not known [Dr. Carl Bogardus notes publishers named Child and Kent], but it was quite a creditable paper, published weekly, four pages consisting of general news and advertising. There was no personal and very little local news, but Washington and New York items were featured conspicuously. Another paper published at a slightly later time, probably in the [eighteen] forties, was The Sign of the Times[2]. Another was the Herald [3], which was published by J. J. Rucker in the [eighteen] fifties. Then came the Times [4], published by J. M. Vanice, whose three sons, Whitfield, Arthur and Ethol were later employed on the Warsaw Independent [5]. Then in the [eighteen] seventies, the Warsaw News [6] was published by Roderick Perry and Thomas J. Kirby.
The Warsaw Independent was first published May 1, 1888, by D. B. Wallace, and continued for twenty-seven years. In 1907, he sold the Independent to W. S. Downtain (sp?), of Fayette, W. Virg., Will Griffin, of Warsaw, as editor and operated in this capacity for a number of years when he purchased the plant from Mr. Downtain. At his death, the Independent was purchased by the Pendy Brothers of Vevay, who finally discontinued publication and moved the equipment away. (Now, Charlie, you carry on from here!)
The above is copied from a hand written note that had been placed on a reel of microfilm at UK. The reel contained some random Warsaw Independents, some Warsaw Leaders [7], and a few issues of the Gallatin County News [8]. There's no indication of when the note was written, or who wrote it. Altho the “Charlie” referred to is likely Charlie Adams, publisher in the 1940's to 1960 or so. We are in receipt of a handwritten list that says other papers include the Warsaw Weekly News (as well as the The Warsaw News, one of which (?) is referenced above) and the Gallatin Times.