Bully for Gallatin County
We have been reading quite a lot the past few months about this “depression” or hard times that have struck this Nation. It may be true in some parts of the country, but we actually believe a part of the talk is not true. Some folks talk hard times because they hear others and finally get to believe it. As we say this depression may be in some parts of our country, and we believe it is. But we started out to tell you of Warsaw and Gallatin County, the smallest county in Kentucky. More money has been paid out in Gallatin County the past two years than at any time in fifty years in the same length of time. More men have been employed in the county, have spent more money, merchants have sold more goods for cash, people have taken more trips, have bought more automobiles, gasoline, have gone to more shows in the cities, have spent more money foolishly, have gone better dressed and apparently happier, have talked more hard times, and knew they were lying, than at any other time in history.
It is true we have some citizens that need assisting; we have always had them and always will, and we always assist them. But we do not need, and never have needed, any outside assistance and hope we never will. Out country has never been bankrupt in my knowing. So far we have taken care of our poor and we believe we shall always be able to do so.
We believe if folks would quit talking hard times and playing possum they would soon forget about the depression.
It is true our farmers had a hard time last summer on account of the drought, but our tobacco came out wonderfully. Some of it has been sold, brought a good price, money collected, most of it spent and enjoyed. We say again, there may be hard times in other sections, but it has not appeared in the smallest and best county in Kentucky – Gallatin.
Letter to the Louisville Courier Journal from Ed Lamkin, January 13, 1931