Scavenging the Wreck

During the low water and the pleasant weather of the past couple of weeks there have been quite a number of visitors to the wreck of the steamer America, which lies at the mouth of Bryant's Creek.  The double-cabined steamers America and United States collided about Bryant's Creek the night of December 4, 1868. . . .

Both parts of the ill-fated United States are plain to be seen now, and nearly every day parties go there to dig for relics, and usually get something of value.  Several silver strainer spoons used in the bar.  The lamp was half-filled with coal oil, and although it had been in the water twenty-seven years, it is still in serviceable condition.  Several other articles of value were found and all were in good condition.  There was quite a large crowd at the wreck Sunday afternoon, Vevay, Florence, Markland, and Warsaw being well represented.  The hulk is covered with mud and drift and everything of value is obtained by digging or dragging in the water.

America Wreck


Top, undated text from newspaper clipping, from 1895. The actual clipping is from the Waterways Journal, of November 2, 1895