Concord Church Dedication

  This beautiful little edifice will be dedicated on Sunday, October 22nd.  The members have completed their beautiful new building, which is the third one on the same ground within fifty years.  The first building was burned shortly after its completion, and the second a large frame building was poorly constructed on a faulty foundation and became unsafe, hence the necessity for the new structure. 

The Concord Baptist Church was constituted on September 4th, 1856. The membership has always been diligent, working constituency, paying promptly their ministers, and to missions, and to keep up incidental expenses.  The church has been greatly weakened by the devastating hand of time, so many old members passing to their heavenly reward, and this supplemented by many moving away and taking letters, makes the present effort a great burden on a faithful few. 

These earnest people have assisted to build every church within many miles of them, and it is to be hoped that the public spirited citizens and Christian people will rally to this dedication and lend them a helping hand with a liberal contribution.  An all day service, dinner on the ground for everybody and a happy day together in a good cause should be inducement for many to come.  The dedicatory services will be conducted by Rev. J. W. Beagle, of Latonia, and Rev. Lafe Johnson, of Walton.  All visiting preachers and all denominations will receive a hearty welcome.  Remember Sunday, October 22nd, and every body invited.


from the Warsaw Independent, October 21, 1906.