Ward Yager


Ward Yager is an attorney-at-law residing at Warsaw, Ky., and though not a native of Boone Co. certainly has a place in this edition due to the hundreds of real friendships in this section that have come to him since he made a canvass at the time he successfully ran for the office of Commonwealth Attorney in the 15th District. He has made law breakers realize that this district is a good one to avoid and has held the respect and confidence of the best people because of this and other traits of high character.

His hobbie is “associating with people” as all can attest who have enjoyed talking with him during his spare moments, which are rather hard to find as his energy keeps him constantly on the move.

He was born in Oldham County, the son of J.B. and Elizabeth Alma Yager, on the second day of July, 1891. He was married to Miss Ruth Graham, a Gallatin county girl. They have two girls, Zerelda and Billy Graham, both in school at Warsaw.

We asked Mr. Yager to submit a short impression of Boone County folks which is printed herewith:

During the summer of 1927 I entered Boone Country as a stranger, visited most of the homes, met most of the people, and on every hand was given a cordial welcome.

From my association with Boone County I have observed that the people are to a large degree of native “stock” whose parents and grandparents, by their thrift and sturdy character, set a high standard of citizenship in the County.

The County is full of successful farmers who take great pride in the beauty of their land and buildings. Many of the farmers are specialists; dairy, fruit growing, poultry, and other lines, and in all, high rank has been taken in the state and nation.

I have also observed that the young men and women who have gone to our colleges and universities and into business have gained for themselves positions of highest honor.

Indeed, Boone County possesses a successful, happy and contented citizenship.


from the 1930 special historical edition of the Boone County Recorder.