Court House Cornerstone Laid Saturday

Large Crowd Here to Witness Event. 


Addresses Delivered by Governor and Local Speakers.


 The laying of the cornerstone for Grant County’s court house last Saturday afternoon attracted a large crowd, many coming from adjoining counties.  The program was carried out as per schedule, Rev. G. c. Mullins, former Grant county judge, delivered the invocation.  There were several brief speeches by Grant county people who were on the program.  Among them were former County Attorney, R. L. Vincent, former County Judge, F. A. Harrison, Dr. H. F. Mann, of Crittenden, member of the county school board, J. B. Miller, County Agent R. C. Hume, Revs. Cleo Purvis, K. O. Potts, and Paul Jacobs.  Governor chandler was here and spoke briefly.  He only took a crack or two at Senator Barkley, his opponent for the United States Senate, in an indirect way.  Senator Barkley had wired several days before the occasion that he would be unable to attend,.  Congressman Spence was also conspicuous by his absence.  Judge Vallandingham and Commonwealth Attorney Ward Yager, were present and delivered short addresses.  The crowd was orderly.  The State patrol and local police handled the crown nicely and there were no accidents.


The Grant County News, May 6, 1938