
Also called Mullannixville, was first settled in 1825, and has a population of about 100. It is situated on the line of the proposed Cincinnati Southern R.R., in the southwestern part of Grant county, 12 miles from Williamstown, the county seat, and 96 from Louisville. Bacon, hogs and cattle are its principal shipments. Stages from Cincinnati and Lexington run through here. Weekly mail. William L. Mullannix, postmaster.

Business Directory

Beck, William, physician.
Borens, Jeremiah, grocer.
Bradley, Joseph, grocer.
Chanson, C., General Store.
Dougherty, W.H., physician.
Hutchinson, C.H., flouring mill.
Nash, D., grocer.
Rose, Tobias, Grocer.
Sames, James, grocer.
Trimnell, G.W., general store.
Whittin, F.G., general store.


This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville.