Zion Station


A station on the Louisville, Cincinnati & Lexington R.R., located on Ten Mile creek, in the northwestern part of Grant county, 15 miles from Williamstown, the county seat, and 80 from Louisville. It contains a flouring mill, Baptist church and district school, and exports hogs, wheat and tobacco. Express, Adams. Daily mail. J.F. Green, postmaster.

Business Directory

Beach, W.H., general store.
Collins, L.J., physician.
Green, J.F., station agent and general store.
McClure, W.H., physician.
Richardson, Joseph, blacksmith.
Rosel, N., blacksmith.
Tomlin, Rev. A., (baptist).
Webster, E.D., flouring mill.


This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville.