Prohibition Enforcement Officers Make Raid
About 50 Gallons Red and White Whiskey Confiscated Along With Other Concoctions Containing Unlawful Alcoholic Content.
Whiskey Poured Out in Street.
Accused Men Released on Bond.
Prohibition enforcement officers paid their first visit to Williamstown last Friday and as a result of their work six men were placed under arrest, a large outfit for the making of “moonshine” whiskey was seized, and a large quantity of illegal beverage was taken and destroyed. Several gallons of red whiskey, said to have been manufactured in pre-prohibition days by the Quick distillery near Covington was confiscated.
The officers were headed by Felix J. Fields, chief agent of the State, and all eight took part in the raid.
With a display of fire arms such as has seldom been seen here, the officers began their search. The restaurant and grocery of Peter Bolas was first raided and a quart of moonshine found. Bolas was immediately placed under arrest. The watch fixing place of W. H. McMillan, adjoining Bolas, was next visited. Here it is alleged about two gallons of moonshine in a glass container was found and confiscated. McMillan was also placed under arrest.
The officers then crossed the street to the store of C. W. Barnes, the second floor of which is used as a residence by Kirtley Barnes. A considerable quantity of different kinds of liquors, some of which was real whiskey, said to have been made by the Quick distillery and purchased in pre-prohibition days, was found and seized. There were twenty or more containers, each holding from a pint to a gallon. There was a wide variety of liquor found here. Some of it was apparently home-brew and had never seen a still. Some was home made wine. All of this was found in Kirtley Barnes’ apartments.
In the rear of Barnes’ store building, the old Glascock store building, there is considerable garage and stable. The officers searched this place and located a large moonshine still. This still, they said, had not been used recently in manufacturing whiskey. There was no copper coil, or worm, which is necessary in making whiskey. A large boiler which would hold several hundred gallons was connected by a steam pipe with the basement of Barnes store building. The officers destroyed this outfit with the exception of the boiler, which was confiscated and will be sold, they claim.
Both Kirtley and C. W. Barnes were placed under arrest. The officers allege they found enough evidence against the latter to justify the arrest.
The officers then went to he home of Worth Barnes, the old Theobald home, on the Cynthiana Pike, about a half mile out. Here they found a wooden keg with a capacity of about 15 gallons and filled with moonshine. They also found a copper coil, or worm, at this place. The whiskey and worm were both confiscated, and Worth Barnes was placed under arrest.
Glenmore Bennett, a nephew of the Barnes Brothers, was caught in the act of destroying a container with about five gallons of moonshine, and he, too, was arrested.
A large number of weapons, such as shotguns, automatic rifles, revolvers, etc., were seized in the raid and taken by officials.
After all the whiskey had been seized, that which was rated as moonshine and home-made, was poured out in the street while scores of people watched.
The six men arrested were taken to Covington before Commissioner Roetken for arraignment. They were released on bond, the bond of the Barnes Brothers being fixed at $1,000 and the others at $500 each.
They will have a trial on the 19th of July [1922].
In connection with the affair Kirtley Barnes states that the outfit had never been used, that he purchased it shortly before selling out the grocery and butcher business to his brother C. W. Barnes to use in connection with his butcher business, and that no whiskey had been manufactured on it during the time it has been in his possession. He says he will fight the case.
Attorney John B. O’Neal, of Covington, was employed to represent the defendants.
Commissioner Fields stated to the News that the penalty for operating a still is a fine of $1,000 and a federal prison sentence of one year, and that the owner is required to pay tax on all the whiskey he has manufactured. The penalty for bootlegging is a fine of $500 and a six months jail sentence.
The officers state that they have received numerous letters from Williamstown people making complaints about illegal sale and manufacture of whiskey here, and this led to the raid. They have evidently received pretty definite information as they went direct to the places raided and seemed to have located them in advance.
Commissioner Fields also stated that the still found had no been in use for some months, in his opinion.
From the Grant County News, Friday, June 16, 1922.