Big Barbecue

Kentucky Democrats Meet at Erlanger and Enjoy Themselves

Cincinnati, Sept. 20. - The success of the Democratic mass meeting and barbeque at Erlanger, Ky., exceeded the wildest hopes of its promoters.  Thousands of people came in from the surrounding country.  It is estimated that 15,000 people were present.  Among the crowd were a large number of ladies.

Judge W. E. Arthur was the chairman of the meeting.  Fifteen head of cattle, forty sheep and 150 lambs were roasted.  The feast took place in the afternoon.

Covington and Newport were nearly depopulated of Democrats.  They began early to leave for the big barbeque at Erlanger.  Four trains carried big loads of passengers, many of whom were from this city.  The attractions were speeches by Speaker Carlisle, Senator Blackburn, Theodore F. Hallum and Hon John Rhea and others.


from the September 20, 1888 issue of Maysville's Evening Bulletin