A Mob
Some time since a dispute arose between a negro fireman on a steamboat and one of the white hands, which occasioned an alteration at St. Louis. The parties separated. Last week, the negro arrived in [Cincinnati], and met his antagonist on the landing, who was armed with a dray pin. Blows were exchanged; the negro snapping a pistol, and it failing fire, threw it at his adversary, and struck him on the head. He was arrested and brought before the Mayor, and held to bail for further examination on Monday, (yesterday.)
It was rumored that the security intended to pay the amount, and let the negro escape. This drew a crowd around the house of the bail on Saturday, which was dispersed, after some threats had been made. This ill-feeling continued through Sunday; and it is said a corps of excited and reckless men kept an eye upon the negro man, ready to seize and punish him, without law, should he in any way obtain his liberty.
The negro was brought before the Mayor yesterday morning, for further examination. After examination, the Mayor ordered him to be committed. A crowd had gathered in the street in front of the Mayor's office. When the marshal and his assistants brought out the prisoner, on the way to the jail, they were surrounded by the crowd; stones and other missiles were hurled at them. The mob seized the negro, rescued him from the officers, and carried him to the river, and across into Covington, Kentucky, followed by the officers and a great crowd of persons.
The negro man was taken to a point in Covington, where was a scaffold erected and ropes provided, and other preparations made for hanging him, without law or trial. They placed the rope round his neck, and were deliberately proceeding to execute their purpose, when the Mayor of Covington, with a police posse, appeared on the ground, cut the ropes, and commanded the crowd to disperse, assuring them that if they would proceed in their work of violence, they must go back to Cincinnati for that purpose. The resolute and honorable course of the Mayor of Covington was successful in preventing a further violence there.
The mob then took the negro man down the river, and landed him in the lower part of Cincinnati, when he was recaptured by our city police, and taken to prison. They were pursued on their way by the excited and noisy crowd, hurling stones at the officers. The police maintained their ground, and committed the negro man to jail. - Cincinnati Gazette.
The National Era, September 23, 1847