Cowardly Shooting

Policeman's Threat at Last Carried Into Effect
Covington, Ky., special to The Freeman

The colored men of this city should call a mass meeting at once to consider a way to stop the hasty manner by which our colored citizens are hastened into eternity from the effects of the policemen's bullets, who, in several cases have taken advantage of some of our younger men; but the most cowardly shooting occurred Saturday evening, in which Ben Finney was shot by officer Jack Seiffer, Seiffer being so anxious to kill a Negro, as he often threatened, made use of his weapon while the man was crouched in a corner with his back to the policeman.  The citizens are very indulgent in the matter.


from The Freeman, an African-American newspaper published in Indianapolis, October 18, 1890.  Sold at Boler's Barber Shop in Covington.