
Better known as Egelstonville, a small settlement on Bank Lick creek, near the center of Kenton county, 2 1/2 miles from Independence, 8 1/2 from Covington and 1 1/2 from Maurice, on the L., C. & L. R.R., its nearest shipping point. It contains a grist mill and public school; and exports tobacco and country produce. Stage to Independence and Covington. Daily mail. Population 50. H.W. Egelston, postmaster.

Business Directory

Chambers, Dr.
Egelston, H.W., general store and hotel.
Miller, Jacob, wagonmaker.
Smitt & Hampton, blacksmiths.
Snyder, Robert, miller.


This info is from the Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, published in 1876-77 by R. L. Polk in Louisville.