General Scott in Covington
At 11 ½ [11:30] the General visited Covington, Ky. accompanied by a Committee from that city, and part of the Cincinnati Committee. On landing from the ferry boat on the Kentucky side, the General was received by the citizens of Covington, and a procession was formed, consisting of Cavalry, infantry, artillery, foremen, and citizens, which paraded the principal streets, halting at the residence of Judge Kinkaid, where an address was delivered by Governor Morehead, and responded to by Scott in a very appropriate manner. The barracks reception caption in Covington was highly enthusiastic, and about ten thousand persons were assembled.
In the procession the States were represented by thirty-one little girls – the one representing Kentucky being arrayed in mourning for Henry Clay.
General Scott, in his speech, alluded very happily to this emblem, speaking of his high regard for the character of the great statesman, and his affection for him as a personal friend.
The procession then returned to the landing, when the ferry boat proceeded to Newport, but owing to law water, a landing could not be effected in time to meet engagements in Cincinnati. The General, therefore, sent an apology to the citizens, who were assembled in great numbers, and the boat returned to Cincinnati, Scott being much disappointed at being prevented visiting Newport.
Excerpted from a story of the General’s visit to Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, and on to Dayton, Ohio which appeared in the New York Times on October 9, 1852.