Joliffe Mobbed

Mr. Joliffe Mobbed in Covington


JOHN JOLIFFE, Esq., a lawyer of this city, extensively known as the friend and advocate of the slave in cases arising under the "Fugitive law," was on Saturday last mobbed in Covington, and driven out of that town. Mr. and Mrs. Joliffe had been invited by Rev. Mr. Sage, of Covington, to dine, and Mrs. J. went over in the morning: between 12 and 1 Mr. Joliffe started over. On the ferry boat he enquired the way to Mr. Sage's.

Proceeding up town, Mr. Joliffe was accosted near the first cross street, above the landing, by name. He extended his hand to the man, saying at the same time, "I don't recollect you." The man replied, "My name is Graines. I know you d--d well, you d--d rascal - you d--d nigger thief. You came over here to steal our niggers." Mr. Joliffe, thinking this was only the usual Kentucky way, said, good-naturedly, "Oh, no, I came over here to dine with my friend, the Rev. Mr. Sage." - A crowd collected around them, and Gaines thrust his fist against Mr. Joliffe's breast, and into his face, using violent and insulting language at the same time, evidently with the design of provoking Mr. Joliffe to some show of violence. Mr. Joliffe, however, walked on, surrounded by the hooting crowd, beyond the Madison House, and finally went into Timberlake's store for protection.

Timberlake made some show of dissuading Gaines, and even holding him, but seemed very glad when he got Mr. Jolliffe out into the street again. Gaines then went to the corner of the street and made a proclamation that Joliffe was a d--d nigger thief, and that all those interested in niggers had better look out, for he had come over to steal their niggers." This brought a still larger crowd out. Mr. Jolliffe finding it was impossible to proceed to Mr. Sage's turned to the crowd and told them that if they were determined not to permit him to go on, that he would return, and appealed to them for protection to the ferry. This gathering of Kentucky gentlemen (for there was a number of merchants and respectable looking men in it, with some rowdies) replied with one voice, "G--d d--n you, you need not appeal to us," and langued in derision at the idea.

Mr. Joliffe was in great danger of being seriously injured by the crowd, when Mr. Warnock an ex-marshall) came up, and, taking Mr. Joliffe by one arm, guaranteed to see him safely to the boat. Marshall Lett took the other, and they walked towards the ferry, Gaines and the crowd following. A large man walking with Gaines cried out, "Get a cowhide and cowhide him," and Gaines inquired at every house they passed for a cowhide. He finally got a whip and struck Mr. Joliffe with it over the shoulders, when Marshall Lett turned and arrested Gaines. A German then came forward to assist in protecting Mr. Jolliffe, and he arrived safely on the ferryboat.

On the way down the crowd seemed determined on violence, crying out "lynch him," "cowhide him," "hang him," and were only deterred by the determined conduct of Mr. Warnock and Marshall Lett.
Mr. Warnock deserves great credit for his conduct in this affair. Though differing entirely from Mr. Jolliffe in his views on Slavery, yet he is too high-minded and honorable a gentleman to permit even a political enemy to suffer by mob violence.

There is no doubt, from the spirit manifested by the mob, that but for the interposition of these men, Mr. Jolliffe would have suffered serious personal injury.

Gaines will be tried to-morrow at 10 o'clock before Mayor Foley, who we understand has expressed a determination to put a stop to such scenes. This Gaines became notorious as the master of Margaret, the negro woman, who murdered her little girl rather than see her returned to slavery. We presume he will receive but little sympathy in Covington, for he is regarded with great contempt by all honorable Kentuckians for his conduct in taking Margaret away secretly from Frankfort and selling her down South when he promised the Governor of that State to keep her to await a requisition from Governor Chase; not only breaking his own word (which was nothing,) but also causing the Governor of Kentucky to break his, and thus bringing disgrace upon the State. 



Provincial Freeman, June 20, 1857, reprinting from the Cincinnati GazetteJune 1st.