Covington Fraternal Organizations
Covington's 1922 City directory lists:
18 Masonic Lodges (3 Colored),
American Protestant Association,
Ancient Order of Hiberians,
Boy Scouts,
Foresters of America,
12 groups of the Knights of Pythias (3 Colored),
8 groups of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
4 orders of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (Colored),
Improved Order of Red Man,
Grand Army of the Republic,
Knights and Ladies of Security,
Loyal order of Moose,
Modern Woodmen of America,
National Protective Association,
Order of Owls,
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers,
Locomotive Firemen,
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen,
Order of Railway Conductors,
18 trade unions ( barbers, bartenders, blacksmiths, 3 for carpenters, cigar makers, engineers, hod carriers (colored), iron molders, machinists, painters and decorators, plumbers, stationary engineers, stonemasons, tinners, tobacco workers and waiters),
Knights of Honor,
Knights of Maccabees,
Knights of Columbus,
4 chapters of the Jr. O. U. A. M,
6 chapters of the United Brothers of Friendship (Colored),
6 chapters of the Daughters of America, and
Daughters of Liberty.