Mayor Foley

A NOVEL METHOD OF DISPENSING JUSTICE.—The following is related of Mayor Foley, of Covington, Ky.: Some months since a man was arrested and brought before him for whipping his wife. The mayor fined him and let him go, but within a week the chap was again arrested for the same offence; this time his honor imprisoned him, and after serving out his time he went home and again abused his better half, and, notwithstanding the mayor fined and imprisoned him for each offence, he would persist in his vile behavior.

The mayor, after trying for months to reform him, had well-nigh given up the task, until one morning this “hero of a hundred fights” (with his wife) was arraigned on the old charge.

“Well,” says his honor, “I suppose you think I am going to fine you?”

“I dun know,” said the culprit.

“Perhaps you imagine I will imprison you?” continued Mayor F.

“I expect so,” was the answer.

“I shall do neither,” said the mayor; “I discharge you.”

The fellow's countenance began to brighten up, when his honor adjourned the court, and, after stepping to the door, invited him outside.

“Now, you mean devil,” says Mayor F., “I have fined you and imprisoned you till I am tired of it, and yet you persist in ill-treating your wife. I will now tell you, that if ever I hear of your abusing that woman again, I’ll whip you within an inch of your life, d—n me if I don't. Now travel.”

The mayor has never heard from that fellow since.


Frank Leslie's Weekly, September 19, 1857.