Visalia is a way station, located 14 mils south of Covington, population of about 165 with beautiful surrounding country. Visalia bids fair for a prosperous for a prosperous and beautiful suburban village, with streets, viz: Front, Madison, and Jefferson; three stores, apparently doing a good business; one church, one school house, one blacksmith shop, one tobacco warehouse, one flour, grist and saw mill; one beautiful picnic ground of twelve acres, a beautiful summer resort, with never failing water; offices freight, post, telegraph and Adams’ Express. . . .The church is a very neat edifice, belonging to the Presbyterian and Methodist denominations, in which there is regular service twice each month.
Visalia is the most beautiful site along the K. C. R. R. [Kentucky Central Railroad] for parties to build who wish to do business in the city, as there is an early and late train to accommodate such parties. Forty minutes ride from Visalia to Covington. Visalia is the terminus of the branch of the Licking Valley Turnpike. The Independence and Alexandria Road crosses the Licking River at this point with considerable travel on said roads. At this point the Licking is fordable a portion of the year; when past fording we have a clever and reasonable gentleman, Mr. John Haltenman, for ferryman, who is always accommodating and at his post, and who at this time is building a new and substantial ferryboat which will be a safe and reliable structure for that purpose when completed. Mr. W. B. Burnside, a merchant at this place, has lately accepted an agency for Gregg & Co.’s mowing machines, called the Meadow King. Quite a number of the farmers of this vicinity on Saturday last were inspecting the mowers that had recently arrived and pronounced them, from appearance, to be the best and cheapest mowers yet introduced.
The top item is from Newport Local, March 23, 1878.
The second is Newport Local, April 4, 1878