Visalia Burglaries

"The postoffice safe at Visalia, Ky., was blown and $80 in money $80 worth of stamps taken." from Maysville's Daily Evening Bulletin, May 11, 1885

"F. P. Caldwell's place in Visalia was entered by burglars the other night.  The safe was blown open, and $75 to $80 worth of stamps and about $100 in money, including twenty trade dollars and a few foreign coins, taken.  The burglars left part of their tools in the store.  Mr. Caldwell is in the grocery business, and is also postmaster."
  from the Hickman Courier, May 22, 1885

"Burglars visited the store of F. P. Cardwell at Visalia, Ky., Friday night and blew open the safe and obtained $35 in cash and a lot of postage stamps.  The combination was knocked off and powder was used to blow the safe door open.  They also visited the telegraph office at that place and stole about $20 in cash.  This makes four times in the last six years that Mr. Cardwell's store has been visited by safe blowers and burglars, and they have cost him over $5,000.  In 1883 his store was destroyed by a fire a few days after his insurance had expired."  The Richmond, Ky. Climax, January 9, 1889
