Maysville, Ky. Special to The Freeman
Since my last letter to The Freeman I have been taking a look around among our business people. I find I. D. Henderson stationed at the State National Bank as a messenger and collector, a position he has filled with credit for a number of years. We have one carpenter in the person of of W. H. Lee; three barber shops, one on Market street run by Messrs. George Strawder and R. H. Anderson, and two on Second street, run by H. W. Campbell and Charles Fox, respectively. Mr. Campbell keeps a first class shop and The Freeman can always be found on file there. Mrs. Annie Candle keeps an eating house on Front street, where meals are served all hours. Miss Lucretia Rice has a hair emporium on the north side of Front street, and Charles Braxton keeps a shoe repairing shop on Plumb street ; his work is of the first order.
Last Sunday was quarterly meeting at Scott Chapel M. E. Church. Presiding Elder E. W. S. Hammonds was present and administered the sacrament.
Charles Walker and Miss Eliza E. Robinson were married by the Rev. Joseph Courtney at Scott Chapel M. E. Church on Oct. 22nd.