The Eagle Valley House

Knowing the interest your readers feel in events transpiring in our part of the State, I beg your indulgence for a short time for the purpose of giving an account of one of the most recherche affairs that have ever taken place in Northern Kentucky.  The occasion  was the opening of a new hotel, the Eagle Valley House, at Liberty Station, on the Short Line Railroad, on Friday night, 27th inst.

The new house is situated within full view of the celebrated Chalybeate Blue Sulpher Springs, the invigorating qualities of which are equal to those of the famous Blue Licks, and is destined, at no distant day, to be one of the most popular resorts in the state.  the proprietor, Mr. J. S. Ellis, and his excellent lady, enjoy a most enviable reputation as caterers to the traveling public.  The assemblage of gallant knights and maidens fair, on the opening night, was probably never equaled in "Sweet Owen," famous for the beauty of her women and the gallantry of her sons, and, I venture to say, ne'er were beauty and gallantry entertained in a more princely style.  At about eight o'clock the guests were shown to the ballroom, where, to the strains of most delicious music, the devotees of Terpsichore tripped the light fantastic until supper was announced, when, repairing to the supper room, a sight met their eyes that would have tickled the palate of the most fastidious epicure.  Tables fairly groaned beneath the weight of delicious viands, to which the party did most ample justice, the generous host and fiar hostess vieing with each other in doing honor to the assembled guests.  After supper, the dancing resumed....until rosy-fingered morn bid the revelers seek their couches.

Between two and three hundred invited guests participated in the festivities, and the beaming countenances and ringing laughter fully attested the hearty manner in which they were enjoyed.  I am confident the participants will remember it as one of the most pleasant episodes of their life.


from the Covington Journal, of 2-4-1871.  Note: The Covington Journal lists this under the headline “Brilliant Affair in Owen,” and there are several references to Owen County within it.   On the other hand, it says it's in “Liberty Station,” which is an early name for Sanders.  Sanders, now in Carroll would have then been in Gallatin (1874 was the year Sanders went from Gallatin to Carroll).  So where, exactly, was the Eagle Valley Hotel?  Beats me.